Forever Together Read online

Page 16

  Erin searched his face for any sign that he might pull away and tell her that all of this was some insane plot to get her to go on a few more dates with him. Her cheek ached with the feeling of the new fang slicing against the inside of her mouth. She pushed her hands against Callum’s chest and he fell back onto the couch.

  Erin placed her knees on either side of him, she pressed her hands against his chest as she placed small kisses along his collarbone.

  Callum’s eyes narrowed, and the mysterious amber color from before returned. He craned his neck and groaned as Erin’s tongue swirled along his ear.

  Callum pulled Erin’s t-shirt up the length of her torso, then tossed it to the floor. He cupped his hands around her breasts, his claws extended and flirted with the thin cups of her bra.

  Erin smirked and said, “I couldn’t think of a better one.”


  Erin waved her arms towards the front door of the three-storey ranch home and grinned at the potential buyers that strolled inside. “Welcome to the open house, drinks and refreshments are on the kitchen table!”

  I still can’t believe that we were able to get these sellers as clients. The last six months had been fruitful and Erin had managed to sell four homes with Callum’s help. She’d secured her first client just after she found about her and Callum’s shared secret.

  Erin narrowed her eyes and spotted Andrea climbing out of her sedan across the street. Erin waved and shouted, “Andrea! Andrea! Come look at how beautiful this home is!”

  Andrea giggled as she jogged across the street, she approached the front porch of the home and gripped the banister. “It’s got quite a bit of character.”

  Erin nodded and led Andrea inside. They walked into a gorgeous livingroom with hardwood floors and crown molding that ran along the edge of the walls. Erin gestured towards the dining room where the interested buyers hovered over the snack table.

  “Pretty good turnout, huh? You might want to get in line in case you want to put in an offer.”

  Andrea rolled her eyes and said, “No, thanks. I’ll buy a home when I have a man by my side to help pay for it. Is Callum thrilled about the new deal?”

  Erin and Callum had been working in Johnson Realties for the last six months. Once Callum began mentoring Erin with all of her newfound werewolf abilities, they found themselves spending more and more time together. As the months went by, Erin couldn’t spend more than a day away from him: they hunted together, slept together, and were determined to make life easier for themselves and any new werewolves that might appear around Boston. Erin had abandoned the high rise apartment that she lived in before in favor of a small apartment on the outskirts of town. There was a rather larger, wooded area where deer, elk, and other smaller mammals resided that made for excellent prey when Erin and Callum went on their weekly hunt.

  Erin clapped her hand onto Andrea’s shoulder and said, “Well, take a look around, talk it up for me.”

  Andrea snorted, “I almost hope that you don’t sell it, Roger and I are dying for you and Callum to come back.”

  Erin chuckled, “No way. Besides, why would I give up the chance to keep all of my commission and work alongside Boston’s sexiest bachelor?”

  She and Andrea shared a laugh and Erin strolled through the front door. The sun peeked out over the roof of the house across the street, and Erin longed for the sun to disappear and for the moon to rise high in the sky. She and Callum would finally be able to feed after a long week of postponing their hunting session in favor of preparing for the open house.

  The sound of metal connecting against wood pulled Erin out of her thoughts. She turned her head to the right and sawCallum standing over a ‘FOR SALE’sign in the middle of the yard.

  Erin walked down the path and across the lawn towards him. She leaned against the sign and said, “It’s a pretty good turnout. Are you sure that you don’t want to head in there?”

  Callum lifted his eyes towards her and stepped away from the sign.

  “Positive. I’m starving.”

  Erin nodded and slipped an arm around his waist. She smiled and said, “No worries. We’ll have plenty of opportunities to get a meal once we secure a buyer for this house.”

  Callum smirked and said, “You’re always so patient,” he smoothed his hand along her hair, his mind conjured up images of the way that the moonlight bounced off of Erin’s black, glossy fur when she was hunting.

  Erin’s amber colored eyes followed a lone man that wandered into the backyard of the house. The rest of the yard opened up to a small secluded area that was covered with trees.

  She narrowed her eyes and nodded in the man’s direction, “I’m not that patient,” she lifted one of Callum’s hands to her lips and placed a small kiss on it. “I just know a good opportunity when I see it.”


  Dangerous Proposal

  Chapter 1





  The lovely sound of traffic filled my ears. I had been stuck in it for the past hour, crawling forward a few inches before I was forced into a standstill, my bumper nearly grazing the car in front of me.

  “Ugh.” I tinkered with the AC controls, hoping for some kind of miracle, but no such luck came my way. I had been meaning to recharge the unit, but I simply didn’t have the time or energy to go down to the local car part store and bat my eyelashes until some guy was smitten enough to help me.

  The window was open, but all I got was a stale breeze that rolled in every once in a while. Oh, and the lovely smell of exhaust gas. I grabbed my ice coffee and took a sip, but it was watered down. I had paid four bucks for this thing…

  I readjusted my grip on the wheel, trying to keep my cool. I took a few deep breaths through my nose. Eventually, I glanced down at the time.

  6:46 P.M.

  I was supposed to be at the piano bar at 8:00 and I still needed to get dressed…

  Seeing that the slow lane was actually moving much faster than all the others, I aggressively moved over.


  The driver I had just cut in front of pegged me off, leaning into his windshield and yelling something I couldn’t hear. I ignored him and followed the long chain of cars, taking the next exit, hoping that the city route would be faster.

  Luckily, it was.

  I was home by 7:08.

  Quickly, I tossed all my stuff onto the couch before I ran into the bathroom, already shrugging off my itchy uniform. I worked as a secretary downtown, for a lawyer who was very full of himself and thought it was a good idea to keep me overtime when I had places to go and people to see.

  Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a bit, but I really did have somewhere to go. Every weekend, I went down to this fancy piano bar and worked as entertainment. In high school, I had learned how to play the piano, absolutely falling in love with the instrument. When I moved into my own apartment, however, I didn’t have the space to have one of my own. So, this was my only option. I got to practice my skills and got paid for it all at the same time.

  In the bathroom, I unbuttoned my blouse and tossed it in the hamper, which was currently overflowing with laundry I kept putting off. I then unzipped my skirt and pushed it over my wide hips, tossing it into the pile. Dressed in nothing more than panties and a bra, I took down my hair, letting the blonde trusses run over my shoulders and down my back in soft ringlets.

  Finally, I took off the rest of my clothes and stepped into the shower, turning on the water. I sighed in satisfaction, feeling the warm stream run over my body, easing away the built-up stress of my life.

  As I closed my eyes, I imagined someone different. Much different:

  I was in Las Vegas. In front of me, thousands of people sat down in red upholstered seats, dressed in the finest clothes money could buy. Some women in the back held up fancy theater binoculars against their eyes so they could see me better.

A bright spotlight shone down on me, creating a halo effect. I ran my fingers along the ivory keys of my piano, taking a deep breath as I prepared myself for the biggest moment of my career.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen…” A flamboyant host came onto the stage wearing a dark suit, a microphone in hand. “It is my great pleasure and honor to introduce you all to Miss Brooke Aguiar! She is a stunning pianist from the small town of Bedford. She started playing when she was in high school and in a matter of a few short years, she learned she was truly a piano prodigy! I hope you all enjoy her lovely music. I know I will.” With that, he bowed and left the stage.

  I took my cue, slowly running my fingers along the keys, building up the tempo. As I warmed up, my long, lithe fingers started their natural dance, spinning together a beautiful melody.

  My every emotion went into the composition. From sadness and happiness to horror and even some humor. My heart was beating fast, my ears tuned into the music, looking out for any mistakes, but so far, everything was going smoothly.

  I reached the crescendo, my fingers flying from one end of the piano to the other. The crowd was silent, completely mesmerized by my work, but I could barely notice them as I got to the hardest part of my piece. If I messed this up now, I would ruin everything.

  Pushing myself to the limit, I played even faster, the tempo dramatic and frightening before I brought it back to a sweet melody, ending on a high note.

  My fingers finally left the keys and rested on my knees.

  At first, nothing happened.

  I was worried.

  Had they not liked it? Had I not played as good as I thought?

  And then, an explosion of applause.

  People started to stand up, the whole room thunderous with the sound.

  I beamed with pride, slowly standing up and taking a deep bow. Some people threw roses onto the stage, calling my name, trying to get my attention.

  My daydream faded as the hot water quickly turned frigid. Luckily, I had just finished washing my hair.

  I turned off the shower and got out, quickly toweling myself dry before I walked into my bedroom, grabbing my shimmering black dress. I wore it every week, not because it was the most gorgeous dress in the world, but because I simply didn’t have the money to afford another.

  The dress, however, did fit me perfectly, accentuating my hourglass figure. When I was younger, I had been a little on the chunkier side, my love of food making it hard for me to ever properly slim down, but in the last few years, I had worked hard to curb my appetite and make a solid effort at working out. And it seemed to be working. Of course, I still had some problem areas to work on, but the dress did wonders to smooth all of them out.

  Knowing I didn’t have much time to waste, I dried my hair into large, bouncy curls before I put on some dramatic makeup, matching the look of the long black gown.

  Feeling ready, I grabbed my clutch and headed out the door.

  If I had the money, I’d be leaving this place in a shiny black limo, but unfortunately, my Vegas career was still nothing more than a dream…


  Soon, I arrived at the piano bar. It was still relatively empty since most clients came later in the night. The owner nodded at me, smiling kindly. She had been a pianist herself, but she now suffered from arthritis and could no longer play.

  I settled myself behind the grand piano. It was truly a work of art. Light-colored rosewood with intricately carved detailing. The tune was perfect. The range of expression exquisite. I had no doubt that such an instrument must have cost more than I made in a year in my lousy nine-to-five job.

  Slowly, I flipped the pages of sheet music to a song I had never played before. The notes were soft, creating a tranquil melody that the lavish clients would no doubt appreciate as they sipped on their expensive drinks and ate overpriced hors d'oeuvres.

  As I played, I noticed a large man dressed in a tailored white suit come through the door. He was surrounded by bodyguards, their bodies built like tanks. He had a smirk on his face, his eyes glittering like they owned the world.

  For a moment, I imagined him walking over to me, grabbing my hand, and promising me the adventure of a lifetime.

  Now, wouldn’t that be exciting?

  Alas, he didn’t even seem to notice me. Instead, he walked to a table in the back. Immediately, white-gloved waiters flocked to his side, catering to his every beck and whim. A few women slid into the booth next to him, curling their hair around their pretty little fingers, obviously trying to get his attention.

  My eyes moved to his bodyguards, remembering my daydream in the shower. If I ever became a high-class pianist, I would need bodyguards like that too. Maybe even bigger.

  I finished my song and a few people clapped politely. I smiled brightly, thinking for a split second that I truly was in Vegas and this was my adoring audience. That dream quickly vanished when one of the new bartenders dropped a bottle of top-shelf scotch, causing it to shatter on the ground.


  The man in the white suit chuckled. “No worries, my dear. No worries.” He called out to her as her cheeks turned into small flames. “I’ll settle for a bourbon.” She nodded, but it was clear that she was shaken over her mistake. Such a bottle had to cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars, probably more than she made in a month.

  Just as everything started to settle back down, someone else walked into the bar, catching my attention. He wore a black tuxedo with a matching bowtie. Usually, I wasn’t much of a fan, but it really did look quite dapper on him. Maybe it was his powerful neck and broad shoulders, or maybe even his chiseled jawline. Whatever it was, it suited him.

  If I had been any other girl, maybe I would have walked up to him, pulled on that bowtie just to get him closer. Our bodies would lock together like two puzzle pieces until we were stuck together like glue.

  I imagined kissing his pink, soft-looking lips, completely blowing him away with how fiery I was. In the end, I would walk away, leaving him wanting more.

  Then, if I wanted things to get really exciting, I would sneak him in the back, take his hand and run it along my thigh, all the way up the slit of my dress, teasing him with my silky skin until he just couldn’t control himself any longer, ravishing me right then and there.

  But, I think I’m getting a little ahead of myself. It’s funny how wild your imagination can get when you haven’t had any excitement in your life for God knows how long.

  The man in black scanned the bar like he was looking for something, his eyes eventually falling on the man in white.

  How interesting.

  Could there be some kind of a feud going on between them? A sort of good guy, bad guy situation? Already, my mind started to conjure up a dozen different scenarios, each one more dramatic than the last.

  He walked up to the bar and sat down, but every once in a while, he would look over his shoulder at the man flocked by bodyguards.

  This was getting very interesting indeed.

  To accentuate the mood, my next piece was one with a faster tempo. I felt like I was the music director in a movie, cueing in a high point in the plot. As my fingers danced over the keys, I waited for something to happen.

  But, to my dismay, the minutes ticked by, dragging into hours.

  It seemed like tonight would just once again be a boring night in the life of Brooke Aguiar.

  Chapter 2


  Ace was sitting in the back of the bar. He had his bodyguards flocked around him in his usual manner which would make getting to him quite the high order, but it was nothing I couldn’t handle.

  “What will you have, cutie?” An attractive bartender leaned forward as she addressed me, her bright red lips pursed in a seductive manner.

  “I’ll have a dry martini.”

  “You got it, handsome.” She winked, starting to mix the drink. As she did so, I looked over my shoulder, studying Ace.

  He was sipping on a glas
s of bourbon, the color rich and golden. Surely, the most expensive drink in the house. Ace was definitely a high roller, but soon enough, he would be rotting in jail.

  “Here you are. Say, do you have a name?” She asked, batting her eyelashes ever so slightly like she wanted something from me. “Maybe a number too…” She trailed off, leaning forward just a little bit more, the top of her cleavage showing.

  Playing the part, I flashed her a bright smile, running my fingers through my slicked back brown hair. “Name’s Zach –”

  Before I could continue, someone cleared their throat. The bartender turned around to find her boss standing there, tapping her foot against the floor. Beside her, a smaller, more docile-looking girl was busy mopping up what looked like spilled liquor.